



I am looking at creating a web site and I want to try and learn either a Object Database or a Document Database. I am going to be using a hosting provider so I won't be able to install any software. I am unable to purchase any licensing so I need to be able use either a free or open source Object/Document Database. Are there any free Object/Document Databases that don't require installation of some sort?

+1  A: 

Try db4o. Haven't tried it myself but its an embedded OODB. It has a dual GPL/Commercial license.

I have looked at using db40 but I am unsure of the GPL license. I want to use the object database in a web app that I am creating for a small business. Can I use GPL in that situation?
runxc1 Bret Ferrier
You can wrap calls to it in your own library licensed under less restrictive terms. Then call this library from your commercial application.
Interesting approach but that doesn't really seem worth while or honest. I will wait until some other open sourcers create something better.
runxc1 Bret Ferrier
+1  A: 

Have you looked at It is free and is a client/server object database. It is easy to use and fast. I found it late last year and think it is a great step forward. Give it a go ,and I don't work for them I just love what their doing.

+3  A: 

This might be a bit late but I am using RavenDB which works like a charm! It works very well with the RavenDB.Client only and a file based document store for simple scenarios.
