



Here's a sample script that attempts to create a remote session on a server, then use WMI to get a list of the server's IIS application pools, and list their names:

    function Test-Remoting
            Enter-PSSession TestServer
            $appPools = Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IIsApplicationPool" -Authentication 6
            $appPools | ForEach-Object {
                $appPool = $_;

This function is contained in a file called "Test-Remoting.ps1." I open up PowerShell, CD into the directory that contains this file, dot-source the file in, and call the function:

PS C:\Users\moskie> . .\Test-Remoting.ps1
PS C:\Users\moskie> Test-Remoting

But the result of this script is a list of the application pools on my local machine, and not TestServer.

Alternatively, if I run the following lines (identical to the ones in the function) manually at the PowerShell prompt, I do get the list of app pools on the remote server:

PS C:\Users\moskie> Enter-PSSession TestServer
[TestServer]: PS C:\> $appPools = Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IIsApplicationPool" -Authentication 6
[TestServer]: PS C:\> $appPools | ForEach-Object { $appPool = $_; $appPools.Name }
<a list of the names of the application pools on TestServer>
[TestServer]: PS C:\>

I think there's a concept I'm oblivious to, regarding PowerShell remoting and scope. Can anyone help explain this behavior?

+2  A: 

I believe Enter/Exit-PSSession is meant more interactive use. From the Enter-PSSession help:

    Starts an interactive session with a remote computer.

In a script, use New-PSSession and Invoke-Command like so:

$session = New-PSSession server01
Invoke-Command -Session $session {hostname}
Remove-PSSession -Session $session

Update: To execute a complete script remotely use the FilePath parameter on Invoke-Command:

icm server01 -FilePath C:\users\keith\myscript.ps1 -arg 1,2

This will copy the script to the remote computer server01 and execute it there with the supplied parameters.

Keith Hill
I'll give that a shot, but I'd like to avoid a work-around such as that, because the script I'm looking to run is pretty involved. It would be a pain to have to run every command through Invoke-Command. Using Enter/Exit-PSSession would be the most convenient, because I would just have to surround my script with those commands.
If it is a script, then you can do this `Invoke-Command -FilePath myscript.ps1` and PowerShell will move the file to the remote machine and execute it there.
Keith Hill
Thanks, I did end up going this route, so I'll mark yours as the answer. But this notion of an "interactive" session is a little nebulous... it would seem logical to me that when I have a script execute a command to enter a new session, that the commands that follow it would be run in that new session. Guess not... thanks again!
Yeah it does seem to break the model of "whatever you type at the prompt can be pasted into a script and work".
Keith Hill