subject score studentid
xx 23.22% 1
yy 34% 2
zz 55.2% 3
xx 88.66% 4
yy 23.76% 5
zz 78.04% 6
How to get max % and student id for each subject?
subject score studentid
xx 23.22% 1
yy 34% 2
zz 55.2% 3
xx 88.66% 4
yy 23.76% 5
zz 78.04% 6
How to get max % and student id for each subject?
here's a vbscript you can try
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set e = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
strFile = objArgs(0)
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
s = Split(strLine," ")
subject =s(0)
score= Left(s(1),Len(s(1))-1)
If Not d.Exists(subject) Then
d.Add subject, score
e.Add subject, studentid
If score >= d.Item(subject) Then
d.Item(subject) = score
e.Item(subject) = studentid
End If
End If
For Each stritems In j
WScript.Echo "Subject:"&stritems & ", Score: "& d.Item(stritems) & "%, StudentID: " & e.Item(stritems)
C:\test>type file
xx 23.22% 1
yy 34% 2
zz 55.2% 3
xx 88.66% 4
yy 23.76% 5
zz 78.04% 6
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs file
Subject:xx, Score: 88.66%, StudentID: 4
Subject:yy, Score: 34%, StudentID: 2
Subject:zz, Score: 78.04%, StudentID: 6
You'll need to have some sort of collection to handle the totals for each subject, this might help
@echo off
set CountXX=1
set CountYY=2
set This=XX
call :Resolve Count%This%
echo %RetVal%
set This=YY
call :Resolve Count%This%
echo %RetVal%
set /a Count%This%=%RetVal% + 2
call :Resolve Count%This%
echo %RetVal%
goto :eof
for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%a in ('set %1') do set retval=%%a
goto :eof