



I am trying to fake a file upload without actually using a file input from the user. The file's content will be dynamically generated from a string.

Is this possible? Have anyone ever done this before? Are there examples/theory available?

To clarify, I know how to upload a file using AJAX techniques using a hidden iframe and friends - the problem is uploading a file that is not in the form.

I am using ExtJS, but jQuery is feasible as well since ExtJS can plug into it (ext-jquery-base).

+7  A: 

Why not just use XMLHttpRequest() with POST?

function beginQuoteFileUnquoteUpload(data)
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "", true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
            alert("File uploaded!");

The handler script at the server just writes the file data to a file.

File upload is still a http post with a different content type. You can use this content type and separate your content with boundaries:

function beginQuoteFileUnquoteUpload(data)
    // Define a boundary, I stole this from IE but you can use any string AFAIK
    var boundary = "---------------------------7da24f2e50046";
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var body = '--' + boundary + '\r\n'
             // Parameter name is "file" and local filename is "temp.txt"
             + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file";'
             + 'filename="temp.txt"\r\n'
             // Add the file's mime-type
             + 'Content-type: plain/text\r\n\r\n'
             + data + '\r\n'
             + boundary + '--';"POST", "", true);
        "Content-type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary

    xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
            alert("File uploaded!");

If you want to send additional data, you just separate each section with a boundary and describe the content-disposition and content-type headers for each section. Each header is separated by a newline and the body is separated from the headers by an additional newline. Naturally, uploading binary data in this fashion would be slightly more difficult :-)

Further edit: forgot to mention, make sure whatever boundary string isn't in the text "file" that you're sending, otherwise it will be treated as a boundary.

Andy E
Because the server will not recognize it as an uploaded 'file'.
I think he wants to know how to generate `data`.
Luca Matteis
@LiraNuna: Why does that matter if you're generating the content from a string? Can't it just recognize it as a string and write it?
Andy E
That would require me to change server-side code, which is in my case, impossible (remote service).
@LiraNuna: maybe my edit will help you?
Andy E
Maybe I'm doing something bad, but I just can't get the server to recognize the request as valid POST.
I edited the answer to be more correct.
@LiraNuna: My bad, thanks for the fix.
Andy E
@Andy: It's okay, I had to read the RFC several times to get it working!
+3  A: 

A file upload it's just a POST request with that file content properly encoded and with an special multipart/formdata header. You need to use that <input type=file /> because your browser security forbid you to access user disk directly.

As you don't need to read user disk, YES, you can fake it using Javascript. It will be just a XMLHttpRequest. To forge an "authentic" upload request, you can install Fiddler and inspect your outgoing request.

You'll need to encode that file correctly, so this link can be very useful: RFC 2388: Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data

Rubens Farias
What should go in that request then? how is that protocol defined? how to fake it?
that isn't a protocol, it's just a regular HTTP request; I updated my answer
Rubens Farias
I didn't use Fiddler (Linux user here), but Firebug does show how it should look. This brings me one step closer. I am upvoting as it is helpful, but not yet selecting the answer.
+2  A: 

I just caught this POST_DATA string with the Firefox TamperData addon. I submitted a form with one type="file" field named "myfile" and a submit button named "btn-submit" with value "Upload". The contents of the uploaded file are

Line One
Line Two
Line Three

So here is the POST_DATA string:

Content-Disposition: form-data;    \n
name="myfile"; filename="local-file-name.txt"\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Line \n
Line Two\r\n
Line Three\r\n
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="btn-submit"\r\n

I'm not sure what the number means (192642264827446), but that should not be too hard to find out.

Tom Bartel
I reformatted the POST_DATA to make it easier to read, the 192642264827446 looks like a boundary marker
Thanks, gnibbler. Yeah, I thought it might be something like a boundary marker, probably just some random number.
Tom Bartel
Yeah, it's a boundary marker. If you check the `multipart/form-data` header, the boundary will follow it. The random number at the end is to avoid any conflictions with the data being sent.
Andy E
+3  A: 

Just sharing the final result, which works - and has clean way of adding/removing parameters without hardcoding anything.

var boundary = '-----------------------------' +
            Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 8));

    /* Parameters go here */
var params = {
    file: {
        type: 'text/plain',
        filename: Path.utils.basename(,
        content: GET_CONTENT() /* File content goes here */
    action: 'upload',
    overwrite: 'true',
    destination: '/'

var content = [];
for(var i in params) {
    content.push('--' + boundary);

    var mimeHeader = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'+i+'"; ';
        mimeHeader += 'filename="'+ params[i].filename +'";';

        content.push('Content-Type: ' + params[i].type);

    content.push(params[i].content || params[i]);

    /* Use your favorite toolkit here */
    /* it should still work if you can control headers and POST raw data */
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    jsonData: content.join('\r\n'),
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary,
        'Content-Length': content.length

This was tested to work on all modern browsers, including but not limited to:

  • IE6+
  • FF 1.5+
  • Opera 9+
  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Safari 3.0+
+1 Nice solution. But I think is something wrong with your algorithm. Why you use a `for in` for the params object? It seams like it's prepared for more than one file but the second file how will be named in the object? Where are `action`, `overwrite`, and `destination` used? and how they not break the code inside the `for in`?
@Protron: The reason I use `for( in )` is to get the keys from the description object. The code will detect if `filename` is set on a nested object (that describes a file to upload). The other parameters (`overwrite`, `action`, `destination`) are just extra parameters passed as if you used a form.