



When I right-click on a resource file in Visual Studio 2008, I get the following message:

There is no editor available for 'D:\MyPath\MyProject\'. Make sure the application for the file type (.resx) is installed.

Any idea on how to solve this issue? By now, I am stuck with opening the resource files as XML text.

I am working with Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition.


Unfortunately (for me), uninstalling and installing again Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and its service pack did not solve the problem.

Incidentally, I cannot see any C# Project Properties page, either. When I try to show them, nothing happens.

Update 2:

I finally solved my problem. FWIW, I added an own answer explaining how.

+1  A: 

Have you changed the file type association for RESX? Reset the assocations: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Reset File Associations

You may also want to try a repair install on Visual Studio (if you have the time...)

Thank you for your suggestion. Resetting the file associations did not solve my problem. I am going to try a repair install later.
Daniel Daranas
I did a repair install. It didn't work. :(
Daniel Daranas
No fun. You may be better off posting in the MSDN forums, some of the developers frequent there and can give better insight.

I finally solved my problem. FWIW, what I did, inspired by this answer to another question, was:

  • Reinstall Visual Studio - to no success. Looking at it retrospectively, maybe my uninstall wasn't complete - but I really thought I had uninstalled it.
  • Start Visual Studio in safe mode: from the Windows command prompt (Start|Run...), type devenv /safemode.
  • At the Project menu, click Properties. A message appeared saying that some relevant package (something like Project Designer) had not been loaded due to previous errors, and I could load it again by starting Visual Studio with devenv /resetskippkgs. After doing so, the project properties are loaded normally. As a consequence, the resources, which belong to these properties, can be viewed.

So, to summarize, I just needed to take advantage of devenv /safemode, which lead to VS suggesting me to use devenv /resetskippkgs.

Daniel Daranas

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