You definitely shouldn't be creating a class for every stored procedure. There are a number of approaches you can take to handling your database interactions. You should have a good look at the major frameworks out there and decide which one best suits you. The Castle Project solution is great, and relies on nHibernate (nHibernate). LINQ is a similar offering by Mircrosoft (LINQ Project). Both of these solutions are full ORM frameworks (Object Relational Mapping) and will generate dynamic SQL to persist your objects in the database. Each also has it's own quirks and likes you to structure your objects in particular ways. If you don't want to manage the SQL your system uses, I would definitely recommend one of these approaches.
I come from a database background, and prefer a bit more control over my SQL. In particular I like to have my interractions handled by stored procedures. I find this enables me to control both the SQL better for optimisation, but helps me manage database security in a more friendly manner. To accommodate this approach, I recommend something like iBatis (iBatis). iBatis isn't a full ORM, but rather a simple SQL mapper. The downside to my approach is that you need to write a lot more code (SQL), but I don't mind the trade-off.