



This seems a bit bizarre to me, but as far as I can tell, this is how you do it.

I have a collection of objects, and I want users to select one or more of them. This says to me "form with checkboxes." My objects don't have any concept of "selected" (they're rudimentary POCO's formed by deserializing a wcf call). So, I do the following:

public class SampleObject{
  public Guid Id {get;set;}
  public string Name {get;set;}

In the view:

    using (Html.BeginForm())
  <%foreach (var o in ViewData.Model) {%>
    <%=Html.CheckBox(o.Id)%>&nbsp;<%= o.Name %>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

And, in the controller, this is the only way I can see to figure out what objects the user checked:

public ActionResult ThisLooksWeird(FormCollection result)
  var winnars = from x in result.AllKeys
       where result[x] != "false"
       select x;
  // yadda

Its freaky in the first place, and secondly, for those items the user checked, the FormCollection lists its value as "true false" rather than just true.

Obviously, I'm missing something. I think this is built with the idea in mind that the objects in the collection that are acted upon within the html form are updated using UpdateModel() or through a ModelBinder.

But my objects aren't set up for this; does that mean that this is the only way? Is there another way to do it?

+7  A: 

Here's what I've been doing.


<input type="checkbox" name="applyChanges" />


var checkBox = Request.Form["applyChanges"];

if (checkBox == "on")

I found the Html.* helper methods not so useful in some cases, and that I was better off doing it in plain old HTML. This being one of them, the other one that comes to mind is radio buttons.

Edit: this is on Preview 5, obviously YMMV between versions.

This has done it beautifully for me. Thanks!
Nick Masao
I just want to add an alternate example: Object.Property = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["NAME"]);
+93  A: 

Html.CheckBox is doing something weird - if you view source on the resulting page, you'll see there's an <input type="hidden" /> being generated alongside each checkbox, which explains the "true false" values you're seeing for each form element.

Try this, which definitely works on ASP.NET MVC Beta because I've just tried it.

Put this in the view instead of using Html.CheckBox():

<% using (Html.BeginForm("ShowData", "Home")) {  %>
  <% foreach (var o in ViewData.Model) { %>
    <input type="checkbox" name="selectedObjects" value="<%=o.Id%>">
    <%= o.Name %>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Your checkboxes are all called selectedObjects, and the value of each checkbox is the GUID of the corresponding object.

Then post to the following controller action (or something similar that does something useful instead of Response.Write())

public ActionResult ShowData(Guid[] selectedObjects) {
    foreach (Guid guid in selectedObjects) {
    return (new EmptyResult());

This example will just write the GUIDs of the boxes you checked; ASP.NET MVC maps the GUID values of the selected checkboxes into the Guid[] selectedObjects parameter for you, and even parses the strings from the Request.Form collection into instantied GUID objects, which I think is rather nice.

Dylan Beattie
Yup! This is what I have had to do for my applications too!
Adhip Gupta
"which I think is rather nice" - now that's an understatement
Frank Krueger
wtf. hidden input fields with the SAME name as the control. its ViewState 2.0 !
This is also present in the 1.0 release. Look at the answer @andrea-balducci submitted that gives you an intelligent way to deal with this. If the checkbox is not checked, the resulting text retrieved should be 'false false' - its a good workaround to account for brain dead browsers...
Redbeard 0x0A
That is so friggin sweet! Mad props to Dylan for this tip.
Surprise? Wtf? The hidden input has the same name as the checkbox - if the checkbox by the same name isn't checked then its value isn't posted whereas the value of the hidden is posted. The first time the browser encounters a named element it will use that value and ignore all other elements with the same name. This guarantees that a value is submitted: true if the checkbox is checked (assuming it's found above the hidden element) and false if checkbox is unchecked (the empty checkbox is ignored and the hidden becomes the fall back). The real wtf is why nobody else pointed this out.
RG, thanks for the explanation.
+40  A: 

HtmlHelper adds an hidden input to notify the controller about Unchecked status. So to have the correct checked status:

bool bChecked = form[key].Contains("true");
Andrea Balducci
+15  A: 

You should also use <label for="checkbox1">Checkbox 1</label> because then people can click on the label text as well as the checkbox itself. Its also easier to style and at least in IE it will be highlighted when you tab through the page's controls.

<%= Html.CheckBox("cbNewColors", true) %><label for="cbNewColors">New colors</label>

This is not just a 'oh I could do it' thing. Its a significant user experience enhancement. Even if not all users know they can click on the label many will.

+23  A: 

In case you're wondering WHY they put a hidden field in with the same name as the checkbox the reason is as follows :

Comment from the sourcecode MVCBetaSource\MVC\src\MvcFutures\Mvc\ButtonsAndLinkExtensions.cs

Render an additional <input type="hidden".../> for checkboxes. This addresses scenarios where unchecked checkboxes are not sent in the request. Sending a hidden input makes it possible to know that the checkbox was present on the page when the request was submitted.

I guess behind the scenes they need to know this for binding to parameters on the controller action methods. You could then have a tri-state boolean I suppose (bound to a nullable bool parameter). I've not tried it but I'm hoping thats what they did.

Yeah this is handy in scenarios where you have paged grids etc and you want to unselect at item that was previously selected in some business object.
Ah-ha! That's why.
Explained in this link:
Ogre Psalm33

Here is an example of the source generated from one of my views:

<input id="VirtualServer" name="VirtualServer" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="VirtualServer" type="hidden" value="false" />

It looks like their intent was to update the hidden value from the checkbox but they never wire up the "onclick" event.

nope. the intent is to send a "false" value when the checkbox is unchecked. normally nothing is sent by the checkbox instead of "false".
+2  A: 

This issue is happening in the release 1.0 as well. Html.Checkbox() causes another hidden field to be added with the same name/id as of your original checkbox. And as I was trying loading up a checkbox array using document.GetElemtentsByName(), you can guess how things were getting messed up. It's a bizarre.

Farhan Zia
+3  A: 

They appear to be opting to read the first value only, so this is "true" when the checkbox is checked, and "false" when only the hidden value is included. This is easily fetched with code like this:

model.Property = collection["ElementId"].ToLower().StartsWith("true");
+2  A: 

I'd also like to point out that you can name each checkbox a different name, and have that name part of the actionresults parameters.



 <%= Html.CheckBox("Rs232CheckBox", false, new { @id = "rs232" })%>RS-232

 <%= Html.CheckBox("Rs422CheckBox", false, new { @id = "rs422" })%>RS-422


public ActionResults MyAction(bool Rs232CheckBox, bool Rs422CheckBox) {

The values from the view are passed to the action since the names are the same.

I know this solution isn't ideal for your project, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there.

+1  A: 

@Dylan Beattie Great Find!!! I Thank you much. To expand even further, this technique also works perfect with the View Model approach. MVC is so cool, it's smart enough to bind an array of Guids to a property by the same name of the Model object bound to the View. Example:


public class SampleViewModel
    public IList<SampleObject> SampleObjectList { get; set; }
    public Guid[] SelectedObjectIds { get; set; }

    public class SampleObject
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<h2>Sample View</h2>
            <th>Object Name</th>
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) %>
        <% foreach (var item in Model.SampleObjectList)
           { %>
                <td><input type="checkbox" name="SelectedObjectIds" value="<%= item.Id%>" /></td>
                <td><%= Html.Encode(item.Name)%></td>
        <% } %>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


    public ActionResult SampleView(Guid id)
        //Object to pass any input objects to the View Model Builder 
        BuilderIO viewModelBuilderInput = new BuilderIO();

        //The View Model Builder is a conglomerate of repositories and methods used to Construct a View Model out of Business Objects
        SampleViewModel viewModel = sampleViewModelBuilder.Build(viewModelBuilderInput);

        return View("SampleView", viewModel);

    public ActionResult SampleView(SampleViewModel viewModel)
        // The array of Guids successfully bound to the SelectedObjectIds property of the View Model!
        return View();

Anyone familiar with the View Model philosophy will rejoice, this works like a Champ!

<input type = "checkbox" name = "checkbox1" /> <label> Check to say hi.</label>

From the Controller:

    public ActionResult Index(FormCollection fc)

         var s = fc["checkbox1"];

         if (s == "on")
             string x = "Hi";

this is what i did to loose the double values when using the Html.CheckBox(...


with 4 boxes checked, unchecked, unchecked, checked it turns true,false,false,false,true,false into true,false,false,true. just what i needed
