




I'm declaring an explicit cursor, however, I need to order the sql differently depending on user interaction. The column to order by is passed to the procedure as a parameter, however, I'm having difficulty incorporating it into the sql for the cursor (as near as I can tell, it is interpreting the variable name as the name of the column and thus ordering by nothing.

Is there a way to use a locally declared variable in an explicit cursor statement?

Here's a basic skeleton of what I'm attempting thus far:

v_order_by varchar2(100) := <function that grabs URL param>
c_cursor is
order by v_order_by;

Any help is greatly appreciated. All the examples of using explicit cursors I've found so far are entirely unhelpful.

+2  A: 

If the possible values of v_order_by are static, you can do this:

order by case v_order_by
            when 'EMPNO' then empno
            when 'DEPTNO then deptno

Otherwise you will need to use dynamic SQL and a ref cursor:

   v_refcursor sys_refcursor;
   open v_refcursor for   
     order by ' || v_order_by;

If you do that, be sure to learn how to use bind variables rather than literals in your dynamic SQL where clause.

Tony Andrews
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, it seems that case statements require all the possible values to be the same type. This doesn't work for me since I have several columns that need to be sorted like numbers and others that need to be sorted like Strings. I ended up changing everything to a ref cursor.Thanks again.
Hypnotic Meat
You *can* sort strings and numbers together, you just need to convert the numbers to strings, e.g. TO_CHAR(mynum,'fm00000000') will left-pad integers with zeroes so that they are ordered correctly when sorted alphabetically.
Jeffrey Kemp