




I am creating a number of custom controls for a Silverlight 4 project. I have successfully created one control and am wondering if I can define more in the same project and then have all the controls bundled into one .DLL.

Right now, I have the standard files for the first control:


I am thinking it's not possible, as there can only be one "generic.xaml".



+3  A: 

Yes you can create multiple controls in the same project, you simply have to place the all the default templates in a single /themes/generic.xaml file. Each controls template is identified by the TargetType. So your generic.xaml file would look something like:-

 <ResourceDictionary ... blah namespace stuff ...>

   <Style TargetType="local:CustomControl1">
     <Setter Property="Template">
         <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CustomControl1">
           <!-- Template for Custom control 1 -->


   <Style TargetType="local:CustomControl2">
     <Setter Property="Template">
         <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CustomControl2">
           <!-- Template for Custom control 2 -->


   <!-- and so on -->


The Silverlight Toolkit chapies do have a neat tool which allows you to place each control template in its own file. The tool dynamically constructs the generic.xaml from the contents of all these files. I really wish they'd blog about it so we could find out how to use it ourselves. Hello any of you Msofties lurky listening in?

Thanks Anthony! I appreciate this. I'd be interested in hearing more about the MS tool, as well.
Scott Davies