



Hi, I'm using a RichTextBox class to make some automatic text formatting. And mz question is, how do I get the RichTextBox to put some string immediately after the caret. When I use RichTextBox.CaretPosition.InsertTextInRun("some string") the text is inserted after the current logical block, but I need to be insterted immediately after the caret, in the middle of a Run block. I hope it's clear, thx very much.


Well, to insert text after the caret i would do this:

        richTextBox1.Select(richTextBox1.SelectionStart, 0);
        richTextBox1.SelectedText = "textToInsert";

If you provide additional information in your question i will attempt to fit my answer better.

The thing is, that I'm using the WPF RichTextBox (in System.Windows namespace), that doesn't have Select method. But the solition you suggest fits my problem, I just need it for the WPF RichTextBox. Thx for help.
Jan Kratochvil