i am running a command line program from inside my c# code behind page. the command looks like so.
String runMe = baseDir + @"Bin\ffmpeg.exe";
String convertVideo = " -i \"" + fullFileName + "\" -ab 64 -ar 44100 -b 200 -y -f flv \"" + fullFileNameWOextension + ".flv\" ";
String makeImages = " -i \"" + fullFileName + "\" -r 1 -ss 00:00:01 -t 00:00:15 -f image2 -s 120x96 \"" + imagesPath + "" + filename.Substring(0, filename.IndexOf(".")) + "_images%05d.jpeg\"";
EdgeCastHelper.ExecuteCommandSync(runMe, convertVideo);
EdgeCastHelper.ExecuteCommandSync(runMe, makeImages);
There are some bits missing which are passed in as parameters. Once i have converted the video i upload it to separate file server.
What i would like to know: Is there a way to stop the upload process happening until the exe has run its course, ie fully converted the video.