



Good Evening,

To all who know Microsoft's upgrade policy. I own VS6 Enterprise. Is VS6 Enterprise eligible for upgrade? I also own pro vs 2005/2008 but would like the enterprise edition upgraded. I have found posts that say yes and no. What is the real policy?

Thanks again for your comments. I love stack over flow!


+2  A: 

The short answer: Microsoft Licensing is confusing as hell. The best way to get a good answer on this:

  1. Go here to the Visual Studio Pricing Page
  2. Click the Price Comparison Chart tab
  3. Click the Request a call back link

This way you'll get someone who can give you a definite answer calling you back (same day when I had a question a few weeks back).

Nick Craver

My guess is "no". It's like asking what's the upgrade policy from Windows 95 to Windows 7. Too many generations in the middle.

Traveling Tech Guy
We all can guess... but what's the actual policy?
This is an educated guess based on some upgrade questions I had over the years with Microsoft (i.e. Biztalk Server 01 to 07 - NO, SQL Server 05 to 08 - YES). Regardless, this question does not suit this forum as it is not a matter of opinion. As Nick said below, just call Microsoft and find out. Oh, and it helps if you work for a big Microsoft client - the answer tends to change... :)
Traveling Tech Guy