I have a classified webs.
Users may put classifieds in, and each category has sub options.
Ex: User picks CAR, and has to fill in options such as color, mileage, fuel, gearbox etc.
Here are my tables for this:
Category table:
cat_id (PK)
cat_name // "Cars" for example
Category Options table:
option_id (PK)
cat_id (FK)
option_name // "Color" for example
Option Values table:
value_id (PK)
option_id (FK)
value // "red" for example
My Q is, in the last table (option values), shouldn't there be "something else" too, because how do I increase this table or reference this table to the classified?
For example, let's look at two records in these tables: First is Category table:
Cat_id Cat_name
1 cars
2 trucks
Then there is the Category Options table:
option_id Cat_id(FK) option_name
1 1 color
2 1 mileage
Then the option values table, here is the problem, I don't know how to :
Value_id option_id(FK) value
1 1 red
2 2 11000 miles
Then what happens if I decide to insert another classified with another car? Shouldn't there be another reference in the last table?
I also have other tables such as "classified" which contains headline, text, price etc...