



Hi there,

We have an issue on our site whereby some Firefox users are receiving a "Bad Request" message when they visit our site (nothing else, just the words "Bad Request"!)

This would appear to be due to a corrupt google tracking cookie, possibly __utmz (one person delete the google cookies in turn and once that one was removed the site came back to life.)

Our website uses this Javascript google tracking code:

    var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
    document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

    try {
        var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-**********");
    } catch(err) {}

Occasionally we also use this to create a different pseudo-URL to track in google analytics when a form has been completed:


{$smarty.const.CONST_PAGE_URL} is just a bit of template code to output the real, current page url.

Finally, probably not relevant but, for cross tracking in our CRM, we also use Salesforce tracking loaded from which is kicked off from Javascript in our page footer like this:


I have had a report of this issue from a user of Firefox 3.5.7 - I don't know about the others (except they were using Firefox). Does anyone know what might cause this and if there is any way to stop/avoid it?

Many thanks - BTW stack overflow rocks I use it often :O)



I've seen this before. I don't know if there's a common cause, but i'll at least explain the cause (and the fix) in the one instance i'm familiar with.

Using third-party ad tracking systems cause a Site's visitors to be passed through redirection URLs--for instance, Atlas Search, DoubleClick, SEM Director, or here 'Salesforce', which i am assuming is analogous, but you'll have to verify that. Redirection URLs can break the GA tracking parameters appended to your landing page URLs.

Suppose your landing page URL was When that URL is added to a third-party tracking system for redirection, of course, it becomes the query parameter for the redirect URL, so, something like:

This URL now has two '?' in it--a problem because you're only allowed one (or at least you are only allowed one to indicate that a query string follows).

Just as in your Question, the first time i saw the behavior, most browsers were unaffected. I had no idea why not all browsers returned a 400, though we were able to fix the problem. The initial quick fix was to substitute a '#' for the second '?' so at least the URL would process. Clearly, the more stable solution is to use encoded landing-page URLs as described in this w3 schools tutorial.

Just an FYI... Salesforce is a SaS CRM service/company. The "_sfga" snippet is used to integrate Google Analytics and Salesforce reporting.

Mr Ben, did you ever find a solution to the problem? Im experiencing the same issue.

If you experience the same problem, try asking a new question and point to the old question. Also, did you consider @doug 's solution to the problem? The user ben is not active on SO anymore, so it's unlikely he will respond
Yi Jiang
Mr Ben