



Regex.Replace("some big text", "^.+(big).+$", "$1"); // "big"
Regex.Replace("some small text", "^.+(big).+$", "$1"); // "some small text", but i need here empty string

I need to select a value from the string. It's ok, when the string matches the pattern. But when the string doesn't match, there is an original string in replacement result. I need an empty string, when string doesn't match pattern (only using replacement).


Use the Regex.Match Method. This way you can first check if the value matches. If so, you can do the replace. Otherwise, you just return a String.Empty.

More on Regex.Match can be found at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/twcw2f1c.aspx

I know this, but i can't use Regex.Match method. I can use only replace.I'm using Yahoo Pipes, and there is only replce function for selecting values. I can't add match method before.
+1  A: 

Although the correct way would be to use a match function, you could fake it by allowing it to match arbitrary strings if your original match fails:

Regex.Replace("some big text", "^.+(big).+$|^(.*)$", "$1$2"); // "big"
Regex.Replace("some small text", "^.+(big).+$|^(.*)$", "$1$2");

It will not attempt to match the catch-all regex unless the first part fails if written out in that order.

Max Shawabkeh