I'd like to create a vim function/command to insert an XSD style timestamp. Currently, I use the following in my vimrc file:
nmap <F5> a<C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-07:00")<CR><Esc>
I'd like to use the Perl code:
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
print DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD', time_zone => 'America/Phoenix');
But I don't know where to start. I'm aware that I can define a function that uses Perl. Example:
function PerlTest()
perl << EOF
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
print DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD', time_zone => 'America/Phoenix');
But when I changed my vimrc to the following, I didn't get what I expected:
nmap <F5> a<C-R>=PerlTest()<CR><Esc>
Could someone point me in the right direction for implementing this? This is the first time I've tried to write functions in vim. Also, I'm using vim 7.2 compiled with perl support.