



I want to have it such that left clicking on the NotifyIcon also causes the context menu (set with the ContextMenuStrip property) to open as well. How would I achieve this? Do I have to handle Click and figure out the positioning myself? Thanks!

Edit: showing the menu with trayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Show() results is a few undesirable behaviors:

The menu is not shown at the same location as if right click the NotifyIcon (it appears that you can't set the x and y coords to where the taskbar is, at least on Windows 7 which is what I'm running). It will appear above the task bar (not that big of a deal, but consistency would be nice).

While the menu is shown, there is an extra icon added to the task bar.

Clicking somewhere other than the menu does not close it (whereas if you right click to bring up the context menu clicking else where automatically closes the context menu).

Is it at all possible to just invoke the menu however the built in right click handler is doing it?


You can wire in a onClick event for notify icon then call show in the on click

private void wire()
     notifyIcon1.Click += new EventHandler(notifyIcon1_Click);

void notifyIcon1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

If you handle MouseUp rather than Click, you will be able to tell which button was clicked, as well as the location of the click. You can use this location as the location to show the ContextMenu

notifyIcon.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { contextMenu.Show(e.Location); });
+3  A: 

You would normally handle the MouseClick event to detect the click and call the ContextMenuStrip.Show() method:

    private void notifyIcon1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {

But that doesn't actually work properly, the CMS won't close when you click outside of it. Not sure why, probably a mouse capture problem.

This is however known to work properly, set the NFI's ContextMenuStrip property:

using System.Reflection;
    private void notifyIcon1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
      if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
        MethodInfo mi = typeof(NotifyIcon).GetMethod("ShowContextMenu", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        mi.Invoke(notifyIcon1, null);
Hans Passant
PERFECT! Thanks!