





Is it possible to set DataGridCell's template when using WpfToolkit's DataGrid? Or is it possible to set style property for a single cell at the time?

I know that there is a TemplateColumn class which lets the user set templates for displaying and editing cell's data but that's not what I'm looking for.

I need to display two-dimensional arrays with DataGrid and style single cells according to their values. I'd also like to use VM-M-V model and create ViewModel wrapper for each cell which would have an IsSelected property binded to cell's IsSelected property so I could easily iterate over my data source for selected cell's instead of using DataGrid's more row oriented API.


Hi - did you ever find an answer to your question? I'd be interested to know of your solution, if any. Thanks!


I'd also be interested if you found and answer as I'm trying to have a datagrid where the colours are based on the date held in a datetime column.

+1  A: 

Here's a couple of ways I found to get started:


Another option is the following:

<List<string>> tempList = new List<List<string>> {
    new List<string> { "vince", "elizabeth", "brian", "mark" },
    new List<string> { "vince2", "elizabeth2", "brian2", "mark2" },
    new List<string> { "vince3", "elizabeth3", "brian3", "mark3" },
    new List<string> { "vince4", "elizabeth3", "brian3", "mark4" },

for(int i=0; i<tempList[0].Count; i++) {
    DataGrid_Standard.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn {
            Header = i,
            DataFieldBinding = new Binding("[" + i + "]")
DataGrid_Standard.ItemsSource = tempList;