I have a classifieds website. I am using SOLR for indexing and storing data. Then I also have a MySQL db with some more information about the classified which I dont store or index.
Now, I have a pretty normalized db with 4 tables.
Whenever ads are searched on the website, SOLR does the searching and returns an array of ID_numbers which will then be used to query mysql. So solr returns id:s, which are then used to get all ads from the mysql db with THOSE id:s.
Now, all the JOIN and relations between my tables gives me a headache.
What except for maintanance-ease do I get for having a normalized db?
I could you know, store all info into one table with some 50 columns.
So instead of this for finding one ad and displaying it:
FROM classified, category_option, option_values
WHERE classified.classified_id=?id
AND classified.cat_id=category_options.cat_id
AND option_values.option_id=category_options.option_id
I could use this:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE classified_id = $classified_id
Isn't the last one actually faster? Or does a normalized db permform faster?