




I'm storing information about local "events". They are described by 3 things - address, date, keywords(tags). I want to have only one search box for at least address and keywords. The date might go to a separate field. I'm assuming that most people will search for events that are taking place "today" so this filter won't get that much traffic.

I need those addresses to be correct (because I'm geocoding them afterwards) so I need to validate them before submitting the form and display a list of "did you mean" if a user made a typo there. I can't do life search here. I can do a live search on keywords. Keep in mind that a user can make a typo there too and I want to catch that.

Is there a clever way to design the input's parser in this case to guess which is supposed to be address and which keywords?


Is there a way to actually parse it as user is entering his query? Maybe I should show autocomplete hints for keywords, after 3 first characters are entered, and if user denies to use them then to assume that it's a part of an address he's typing.

What do You think?