



How can I change the default telerik theme for a RadTreeView. I have multiple elements and the RadTreeView doesn't follow the color style of the rest of the elements. Say I want to change it to Vista.

+1  A: 

To change the theme of a Telerik component, just set its Skin property:

tree_view_control.Skin = "Vista";

Is there something more here that I am missing?

Sorry, doesn't work.
Mohit Deshpande
This does work for the Telerik controls that I use. Check to be sure that you aren't setting the skin in two separate places (in the ascx and in the codebehind) - one will override the other. If all else fails, Telerik support is pretty good - they can probably help.
Oh, sorry, I was using the wrong control. I used a TreeView instead of a RadTreeView.
Mohit Deshpande