



I've been given a prototype/mockup of a grid written in html and javascript (via ExtJS) that I now need to implement within an web application. Does anyone have any pointers as to how to pass data to the grid (to a GroupingStore, specifically).

I'd rather not have a proliferation of web services or helper pages returning XML/JSON so if there's a way to use Client callbacks or Page Methods (Can't you tell I'm not particularly familiar with either - buzzword bingo!) or somesuch, that would be preferred.

Please, no recommendations that I use jQuery, the built-in grid, or any other UI framework. The use of the ExtJS grid has been mandated by the powers that be, so that's the grid I'm using, for better or worse :)

+2  A: 

I believe a service that simply returns json structures for your pages is the best option, nicely abstracted and reusable across the application rather than page methods.


Here's a low tech solution. It doesn't require use of web services or any other additional technologies.

Step 1

Have an ASPX page that takes one paramter, and invoked like this: * from orders where status = 'open'

Step 2

In the code behind, do something like this

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   DataTable contents = ExecuteDataTable(Request["sql"]);
   Response.Write( JRockSerialize( contents ) );

You can use JRock for serializing a data table to JSON. IMHO this gives the cleanest JSON.

So that's getting DataTable to JSON sorted...

WARNING: This is obviously a simplistic example. You shouldn't pass SQL on the query string as it is not secure (your could use named queries and parameters instead).

Step 3

In your ExtJS code, create a grid with Json datastore as shown in this Ext example. Set the data store url: to that of your query.aspx page with appropriate query string parameters.

You'll also need to set the columns up for the grid, again shown in the ExtJs example.


I was really impressed when I looked at the Coolite samples recently. They are an ExtJS partner and provide a good ASP.NET & ExtJS experience. And no, I don't work for them :) I haven't tried their grid, but it might be painless (at a price).

Tobin Harris
Yuck. You should mark your WARNING red, bold and blinking. Never, NEVER, _NEVER_ have a page that allows you to do "sql=select * from orders where status = 'open'"! Don't do it! I mean it! That's just like putting up a sign "Come here and hack me. Copy my database and then delete all data I have!"
Just agreeing wiht BlaM. Never-ever do that. Write a web service, get the results as JSON. It is very easy.
Chris Brandsma
Indeed. Check out,-Other-Sensitive-Data.aspx for a good reason why

may be this blog post solves your problem

it uses WebMethods to transfer data and then display it into ext js grid.


Hi, I need make a user control with this funcionality. have any idea?
