



Hi. I have worked on a script, that will makes so when you click on a text it changes to a input field and a submit buttom. In the input field you can change the text, and the submit button to "apply" the new changes. Now i cant get it to work, when you press the submit button. When you click the submit button it just changes the input field to "Edit".. Here's my coding:

function createObject() {  

  var request_type;
  var browser = navigator.appName;

  if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
    request_type = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    request_type = new XMLHttpRequest();

  return request_type;


var http = createObject();

function myEditable(e, act) { 
  if (act == 'click') {

    // lav indholdet af span om til et input 
    // felt og sæt et onblue event på den   
    e.innerHTML = '<input type="text" value="'+e.innerHTML+'" />' +
                  '<input type="submit" value="Edit" name="Submit"' + 
                  'onclick="myEditable(this, \'edit\')"/> ';

    // fjern span onclick eventen   
    e.onclick = null;

  } else if (act == 'edit') {

    var nocache = 0;       
    // hent span elementet igen   
    var parentElement = e.parentNode;

    // Opdater span teksten, e.value er den nye værdi   
    parentElement.innerHTML = e.value;   
    nocache = Math.random();   
    var tekstny= e.value;'get', 'editsave.php?tekstny='+tekstny+'&nocache = '+nocache);
    http.onreadystatechange = insertReply;

    // placer onclick eventen igen på span elementet       
      e.onclick = function() {         
        myEditable(e, 'click'); 


  function insertReply() {
    if(http.readyState == 4){
      var response = http.responseText;
      // else if login is ok show a message: "Site added+ site URL".
      document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = ''+response;


It works without the input button, but i wish it to work with the button.

Edit: Summary including jsbin: Go to: . As you see herem when you click on "Field1" it changes to a inputfield with a submit button with "edit". Now what i wants to do is when you click on the submit button "edit" it should update the span text(to what you changed) & go back to normal text. It does do this, WITHOUT the submit button, but i want the script to work with the submit button i added into the script..


Ok, i solved it myself.
