I have the following named scope on
class RentableItem < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :available_at, lambda{ |starts_at, ends_at| {
:select => "t.*",
:from => "(SELECT ri.*, COALESCE(c1.start_date, '#{starts_at}') AS EarliestAvailable,
COALESCE(c2.end_date, '#{ends_at}') AS LatestAvailable
FROM rentable_items ri
LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts c1 ON (ri.id = c1.rentable_item_id AND c1.start_date BETWEEN '#{starts_at}' AND '#{ends_at}')
LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts c2 ON (ri.id = c2.rentable_item_id AND c2.end_date BETWEEN '#{starts_at}'
AND '#{ends_at}' AND c2.start_date >= c1.end_date))
AS t",
:joins =>"LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts x ON (t.id = x.rentable_item_id AND x.start_date < t.LatestAvailable
AND x.end_date > t.EarliestAvailable)",
:conditions => "x.id IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(t.LatestAvailable, t.EarliestAvailable) >= #{(starts_at.to_date..ends_at.to_date).to_a.size - 1}"
The single call on this named_scope works like a charm, but when i'm trying to chain several named scopes together, or access this named_scope through an association-scope it blows up. I think, that the select statement and the custom from clause is the problem. Maybe someone has an idea how to rewrite this named_scope to allow chaining and scoping trough associations?
thanks to Shtééf it is working alomst.
named_scope :available_at, lambda{ |starts_at, ends_at| {
:select => "rentable_items.*",
:from => "(SELECT ri.*, COALESCE(c1.start_date, '#{starts_at}') AS EarliestAvailable,
COALESCE(c2.end_date, '#{ends_at}') AS LatestAvailable
FROM rentable_items ri
LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts c1 ON (ri.id = c1.rentable_item_id AND c1.start_date BETWEEN '#{starts_at}' AND '#{ends_at}')
LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts c2 ON (ri.id = c2.rentable_item_id AND c2.end_date BETWEEN '#{starts_at}'
AND '#{ends_at}' AND c2.start_date >= c1.end_date))
AS rentable_items",
:joins =>"LEFT OUTER JOIN contracts x ON (rentable_items.id = x.rentable_item_id AND x.start_date < rentable_items.LatestAvailable
AND x.end_date > rentable_items.EarliestAvailable)",
:conditions => "x.id IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(rentable_items.LatestAvailable, rentable_items.EarliestAvailable) >= #{(starts_at.to_date..ends_at.to_date).to_a.size - 1}"
This allows me now to chain the scopes and access it through associations.
There is, maybe only a cosmetic, little problem with a doubled where condtion, which rails generates (at begin and end:
WHERE (`rentable_items`.container_item_id = 1) AND (((size > 10) AND (x.id IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(rentable_items.LatestAvailable, rentable_items.EarliestAvailable) >= 28)) AND (`rentable_items`.container_item_id = 1))