I have just started building a app using “XihSolutions.DotMSN.dll” version:,
My problem is that it is not firing the “Nameserver_SignedIn” event. Not sure if I am doing something wrong. your help will be really helpful.
void Nameserver_SignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e) { throw new Exception("User Signed In"); }
private string message = string.Empty;
void NameserverProcessor_ConnectionEstablished(object sender, EventArgs e)
message = "Connected";
void SetMessage()
if (tbMessage.InvokeRequired)
tbMessage. Invoke(new ThreadStart(SetMessage));
tbMessage.Text += Environment.NewLine+ message;
private void btnSingIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (messenger.Connected)
// SetStatus("Disconnecting from server");
// set the credentials, this is ofcourse something every DotMSN program will need to
// implement.
messenger.Credentials.Account = tbUserName.Text;
messenger.Credentials.Password = tbPwd.Text;
// inform the user what is happening and try to connecto to the messenger network.
//SetStatus("Connecting to server");