



Here is some jQuery for a search box that I expect is actually an antipattern, and am sure there is a much better solution for that I would love to be pointed towards:

I will describe it in comments then just give the code, since the comments may be more clear and simple than the code:

  • // set up a function call on keypress.
  • // function call has a delay before the main event occurs.
  • // When keypress function is called, wipe any previously queued events and make a new one at the standard delay rate.
  • // Use a global to store the setTimeout pointer.
  • // clearTimeout any pre-existing pointers.
  • // Start a new delay.

The Code:

                // set up a filter function call on keypress.
                $('#supplier-select-filter').keypress(function (){
                    // Currently, resets a delay on an eventual filtering action every keypress.
                    filterSuppliers(.3, this);

                // Delayed filter that kills all previous filter request.
                function filterSuppliers(delay, inputbox){
                    if(undefined != typeof(document.global_filter_trigger)){
                        // clearTimeout any pre-existing pointers.
                    // Use a global to store the setTimeout pointer.
                    document.global_filter_trigger = setTimeout(function (){
                        var mask = $(inputbox).val();
                    }, 1000*delay); 
                    // Finally, after delay is reached, display the filter results.             

The problems:

On an input box where a search term may consist of 10 characters on average, that's 10 calls to setTimeout in a half a second, which seems to be processor heavy, hopefully there's a cleaner alternative?

.load() is simpler than taking in JSON and then generating html from the json, but maybe there is a better tool?

.keypress() doesn't seem to always trigger on things like backspace deletion and other essentials, so perhaps using keypress() on this input box isn't the ideal?

+5  A: 

I frequently use the following approach, a simple function to execute a callback, after the user has stopped typing for a specified amount of time::

$(selector).keyup(function () {
  typewatch(function () {
    // executed only 500 ms after the last keyup event.
  }, 500);


var typewatch = (function(){
  var timer = 0;
  return function(callback, ms){
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);

I think this approach is very simple, and it doesn't imply any global variables.

For more sophisticated usages, give a look to the jQuery TypeWatch Plugin.

I also recommend checking if current_value !== previous_value in the callback function, before fetching new data via AJAX. Could be that the user is simply using the arrow keys, etc.
Joel L
Huh. Looks nice and clean, though I don't really get how the setTimeout pointer is able to be non-global yet still accessed later like a static var is in php, though I'm sure it works. What is it called that allows that?
@Tchalvak: The variable remains in-scope of the returned function even if the first function has finished its execution, because a **closure** is created, this is one of the most powerful features of JavaScript... Give a look to this article: