I need to disable optimization flag for a individual file using autotools. What is the best way to do it?
I need to disable optimization flag for a individual file using autotools. What is the best way to do it?
Do you mean an individual source file or an individual executable?
To disable optimization for an executable is simple:
bin_PROGRAMS = myprog
myprog_SOURCES = foo.c bar.c
myprog_CFLAGS = -O0
If you mean that you want to disable the optimization for a single source file temporarily, say for debugging purposes, you can just remake that file at the prompt: (example from the automake manual)
rm bar.o
make CFLAGS=-O0 bar.o
To do it for an individual source file permanently is not so simple, and probably best done by creating a convenience library:
noinst_LIBRARIES = libnoopt.a
libnoopt_a_SOURCES = bar.c
libnoopt_a_CFLAGS = -O0
bin_PROGRAMS = myprog
myprog_SOURCES = foo.c
myprog_CFLAGS = -O2
myprog_LDADD = libnoopt.a