Hi, jquery masters,
I have a select box with values: apple-80 apple-100 apple-120 apple-300
I have: <body class="fruit apple-120 otherclass anotherclass">
I want to manipulate the body class "apple-120" to get replaced by any of selected value from the select box while keeping the fruit, otherclass, anotherclass, class untouched.
So far I created this:
$.fn.classSwitcher = function(options) {
var baseOptions = {
classTarget: 'body',
oldClass: 'apple-120'
var options = $.extend(baseOptions, options);
return this.each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
var t = $(this);
var optionVal = t.val();
Then I have:
$('#sel option').classSwitcher();
This replaced the class, but on the next click of the select box, more select option values are added as new classes, which was not what I wanted.
I just want to replace "apple-120" with a new value, not adding more. Any other click will just replace the same target class.
Plus, I also wanted to grab all select box values to keep them as a condition to narrow down selection on those classes. Says, if a class matches any of the values in the select box, do something.
Any hint would be very much appreciated. Thanks.