Well, there is one way to achieve a small amount of automated StyleCop fixes for free without installing any new software. That's right, read my lips, no new software!
Visual Studio has lots of build-in features that will fix a lot of StyleCop errors. All you have to do is set it up and use them. Listen up, and I'll tell you more!
Some of my personal favourites are:
- the right-click Refactor window (rename anything, anytime, everywhere!)
- Edit/Advanced/Format Document combined with modifications to the Visual Studio settings in Tools/Options/Environment and saving those settings out in a .vssettings file and storing those settings with the solution. Make Visual Studio enforce your style! Hoo-ah!
- Custom Snippets! Make that full page of boilerplate appear with only three keystrokes! I know you've had dreams about this kind of productivity!
But wait, there's more!
As for "live hints", if you right-click on the StyleCop violation in the error list you can get a link to the appropriate section of documentation to help you out! Right there, where you want it, when you want it!
By no means as fully featured as ReSharper, but a bargain at the low-low price of nothing! You can't turn down this deal!
(offer not fully valid to those using MSBuild integration)