Our company provides a network component (DLL) for a GUI application.
It uses a Timer that checks for disconnections. If it wants to reconnect, it calls:
internal void timClock_TimerCallback(object state)
lock (someLock)
// ...
catch (Exception e)
// Log e.Message omitted
// Raise event with e as parameter
ErrorEvent(this, new ErrorEventArgs(e));
// ...
So the problem is, inside of the DoConnect() routine a SocketException is thrown (and not caught). I would assume, that the catch (Exception e) should catch ALL exceptions but somehow the SocketException was not caught and shows up to the GUI application.
protected void DoConnect()
client = new TcpClient();
client.NoDelay = true;
// In the following call the SocketException is thrown
client.Connect(endPoint.Address.ToString(), endPoint.Port);
// ... (login stuff)
The doc confirmed that SocketException extends Exception. The stacktrace that showed up is:
TcpClient.Connect() -> DoConnect() -> timClock_TimerCallback
So the exception is not thrown outside the try/catch block.
Any ideas why it doesn't work?