Consider a template such as this ( questions posted below ):
Let's say I posted an article about the Superbowl and tagged it in the Sports category. In my articles table I have a flag for featured or not, and a flag for main article. So if I check the main flag it shows up as the main article. If I post another main article a day later it will be gone from the main featured area #1 unless I delete the latest main article, it won't show up in area #2 or area #3.
Question #1: I could solve this by updating my SQL logic for area #2 by checking for both main and featured articles, and weed out the last main article, would this be the ideal way to handle the situation if I wanted it to shift down to the regular featured articles?
Question #2: But if I made my sql logic entirely based on the latest posted and a user wanted to specify an article as the main featured regardless of date, should I add extra logic in for this? So for example there could only be one main at a time throughout the entire articles table. Or should I force the user to update the article date so it's a requirement for the main to be the latest posted?
Question #3: And let's say that after my Superbowl article rotates from the main to become the first, second, third, fourth featured I wanted it to show up in my category listings as the first article under Sports - to do this I would need to unset the main and featured flags, would it make sense to add code in my article submission code to only have 4 featured and 1 main at a time? Obviously if one gets deleted then it can't shift backwards.
Would appreciate any advice on handling the organisation and display logic.