What could be the cause of the validateDate()
function not to execute when called?
The purpose of validateDate()
is to take a string like 01/01/2001
and call isValidDate()
to determine if the date is valid.
If it's not valid, then a warning message will appear.
function isValidDate(month, day, year){
Purpose: return true if the date is valid, false otherwise
Arguments: day integer representing day of month
month integer representing month of year
year integer representing year
Variables: dteDate - date object
var dteDate;
//set up a Date object based on the day, month and year arguments
//javascript months start at 0 (0-11 instead of 1-12)
dteDate = new Date(year, month, day);
Javascript Dates are a little too forgiving and will change the date to a reasonable guess if it's invalid. We'll use this to our
advantage by creating the date object and then comparing it to the details we put it. If the Date object is different, then it must
have been an invalid date to start with...
return ((day == dteDate.getDate()) && (month == dteDate.getMonth()) && (year == dteDate.getFullYear()));
function validateDate(datestring){
month = substr(datestring, 0, 2);
day = substr(datestring, 2, 2);
year = substr(datestring, 6, 4);
if(isValidDate(month, day, year) == false){
alert("Sorry, " + datestring + " is not a valid date.\nPlease correct this.");
return false;
} else {
return true;