





I have previously posted a question about this but I did not get an answer that suited my needs, so maybe I need to be more specific?

I am trying to make my program instantly start up when the person logs in. It is a computer locking device so I need it to start as soon as possible. I know this is possible because anti-virus programs do this. Such as ESET or Avira.

I currently have my program entering a key into the registry to enable it to start up when the user logs in. But I need it to be much more efficient to maximise security.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

+6  A: 

Actually, most anti-virus programs run as a windows service. If you need instant on then that's the only way to go.

The part you see starting after log in is simply the UI for those services.

Chris Lively
Ah kk thanks, do you know of any guides to run it as a windows service?
Rubens Farias
+1 This is absolutely a role for a windows service.
Chris Marisic
Nice thanks, will have a look at this and see if it works!