I did not experience any issues in either Chrome or Safari for Windows on your product page. Try this in Chrome, to check if the two scripts (imageswitcherconf.js and imageswitcher.js) are being loaded:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+J to open the JavaScript Console/Developer Tools window.
- Click the Resources tab on the top of the window.
- Enable resource tracking/script debugging if you have to.
- With the JavaScript Console/Developer Tools window still open, perform an operation that would normally trigger a crash, such as switching languages.
- On the left side of the window, under the Resources heading, you should see imageswitcherconf.js followed by imageswitcher.js. (For me, they appeared fourth and fifth in the list, respectively.)
If the files aren't being loaded:
- Are you behind a caching proxy?
- Is your browser cache clear?