If a user creates a form without a method attribute, it seems like most browsers will handle this at the time of form submission. So upon inspection of the form element after the DOM is ready, you can see that there is no "method" attr of the form element object.
IE7, however, apparently sets a default method value of "GET" on all forms without a method value. I don't want to argue about whether GET or POST is the most sensible default, I just want to find a way to make POST the default form method across all browsers.
My problem is that I can't tell if the user entered a "GET" value for a form method, or if IE injected that value as default. If there is no method attribute of the form, it is obvious that the users didn't specify one, so I can safely default it to POST. But if I see a GET value for a form method, I can't tell if the user specified that, or if it was left black and IE7 set GET when it parsed the HTML.
Anyone have any ideas?