



I'm looking for a simple Python script that can minify CSS as part of a web-site deployment process. (Python is the only scripting language supported on the server and full-blown parsers like CSS Utils are overkill for this project).

Basically I'd like for CSS. A single script with no dependencies.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

I don't know of any ready made python css minifiers, but like you said css utils has the option. After checking and verifying that the license allows for it, you could go through the source code and snip out the portions that do the minifying yourself. Then stick this in a single script and voila! There you go.

As a head start, the csscombine function in .../trunk/src/cssutils/ seems to do the work of minifying somewhere around line 361 (I checked out revision 1499). Note the boolean function argument called "minify".

Jeffrey Martinez
+25  A: 

This seemed like a good task for me to get into python, which has been pending for a while. I hereby present my first ever python script:

import sys, re

css = open( sys.argv[1] , 'r' ).read()

# remove comments - this will break a lot of hacks :-P
css = re.sub( r'\s*/\*\s*\*/', "$$HACK1$$", css ) # preserve IE<6 comment hack
css = re.sub( r'/\*[\s\S]*?\*/', "", css )
css = css.replace( "$$HACK1$$", '/**/' ) # preserve IE<6 comment hack

# url() doesn't need quotes
css = re.sub( r'url\((["\'])([^)]*)\1\)', r'url(\2)', css )

# spaces may be safely collapsed as generated content will collapse them anyway
css = re.sub( r'\s+', ' ', css )

# shorten collapsable colors: #aabbcc to #abc
css = re.sub( r'#([0-9a-f])\1([0-9a-f])\2([0-9a-f])\3(\s|;)', r'#\1\2\3\4', css )

# fragment values can loose zeros
css = re.sub( r':\s*0(\.\d+([cm]m|e[mx]|in|p[ctx]))\s*;', r':\1;', css )

for rule in re.findall( r'([^{]+){([^}]*)}', css ):

    # we don't need spaces around operators
    selectors = [re.sub( r'(?<=[\[\(>+=])\s+|\s+(?=[=~^$*|>+\]\)])', r'', selector.strip() ) for selector in rule[0].split( ',' )]

    # order is important, but we still want to discard repetitions
    properties = {}
    porder = []
    for prop in re.findall( '(.*?):(.*?)(;|$)', rule[1] ):
        key = prop[0].strip().lower()
        if key not in porder: porder.append( key )
        properties[ key ] = prop[1].strip()

    # output rule if it contains any declarations
    if properties:
        print "%s{%s}" % ( ','.join( selectors ), ''.join(['%s:%s;' % (key, properties[key]) for key in porder])[:-1] )

I believe this to work, and output it tests fine on recent Safari, Opera, and Firefox. It will break CSS hacks other than the underscore & /**/ hacks! Do not use a minifier if you have a lot of hacks going on (or put them in a separate file).

Any tips on my python appreciated. Please be gentle though, it's my first time. :-)

You can use the index -1 to refer to the last element in a sequence. So you could use .append() instead of .insert(), and avoid the .reverse(). Also, if len(lst) > 0: is commonly done as if lst:
Thanks for the tips. I've fixed these and a few other things. Python is a really nice language. :-)
simply awesome. The best part is this is going to be part of a deployment script now!
This will add redundant final semicolons and not abbreviate colors, though. If you want to do the former, you can simply store the result in a string and then replace(';}','}'). To do the later, you need to do a re.sub on '#([0-9a-f]{6})' with a callback that checks whether the color code is in the form #aabbcc and returns #abc (or the full string if it can't be abbreviated).
Good points. I've added in a few more things, colors, zero-based fragment values, space removal around selector operators, and the trailing semicolon. It's at a point where it is starting to break stuff though, for example: div:content(" |= ") will be stripped to div:content("|="). I guess if you need any more you should be using a real tool anyway.
Nice work! Minor issue: "Minifies" `/* */` to `/**/`
Ates Goral
+4  A: 

There is a port of YUI's CSS compressor available for python.

Here is its project page on PyPi:

Gregor Müllegger