




suppose one user logins to a web site and start navigating its pages. For a specific page, he copies page address and pastes it to a new IE window address bar.

Now, what happens to his session? Does it duplicates? or what?

+1  A: 

No, AFAIK, the SESSION cookie gets sent to the browser (the application as a whole, not the window). Each window references the same cookie information held by the browser (IE).

An oversimplified example:

Think of it as a database and a script. The database houses a bunch of information, which can be read by many scripts. That information is still housed in one place even though every script can do something with it.

The session cookie would be the database and the browser window the script.


Independent of the browser a new window or tab of the same browser uses the same session. Only another process will have a different session. For example copy the address to another browser like Firefox, and you will get a new session.

Tobias Schulte
+1  A: 

I think it goes like this:

If the "new window" is opened with Ctrl-N in the first window, the same session exists in the "new window".

If the "new window" is opened by double-clicking on the IE icon, the first window's session doesn't come along for the ride.


Opening a new window within the same browser is no different from the server's point of view than reloading the page in the current window. The session is the same and the server merely issues a response to the request. However if there were any POSTed fields in the original page request (for example, the user had performed some actions) these will not be sent with the new request.