




I am currently running the local version of Caché on my system in order to determine if I can (and will) take on a new possible project.

Can anyone recommend a good book on the Caché (preferably having read it - I don't need a copy of the back cover) ? Querying Amazon drops the é and replaces it with an e, creating 'cache' which displays a list of books about child care ????

If an ebook version should be availble, or you do know of a good pdf document (which I can convert to my ebook format ePub), please don't hesitate to answer.

Thanks in advance ...

UPDATE: I just realised that documentation on Caché could be found on their web site:Caché documentation page, but I still would like to know of any other books have been read by you. Thx

+2  A: 

Intersystems pretty much controls what's printed about Caché and that is nothing. They have a very good website as you found, but no independent books about Caché. However, Caché is the modern version of the old M/MUMPS language/DBMS and you can still purchase the old programming manuals that teach the old preIntersystems coding, which works very well for the basics. The Complete MUMPS by John Lewkowicz is good. M Programming: A Comprehensive Guide by Richard Walters is better, but both are very old and won't touch any new features. I see The Mumps/II Programming Language (Volume 1) by Kevin O'Kane also listed on Amazon, but have never seen that one to give you and eval.

@Mack: If you look at the website of Caché it seems that the whole world is using their product. But looking at the responses I got for my question (none so far), I think that's a bit exaggerated !.
The Intersystems invests very little in marketing. I especially find it very good. It has an awesome performance, features and optimized for Web course, of course, the documentation is very scarce. @Edelcom