I have the same UI code running on my XP English machine and on XP Japanese machine. For some reason - the behavior is different between those two machines:
On the Japanese machine the OnResize event is getting triggered during the InitializeComponent call (I think that from ResumeLayout function). On the English machine it doesn't.
I have an override method of OnResize that change values of my private variables that I defined. Since the component was not fully loaded (the Ctor is still running), those variables are null and I get an exception.
I can fix the code by checking if the variable is null or not, but I would like to understand why it is getting called in the first place and why it happens only on this machine.
During my search over the net I found the same problem that someone else has posted, but with no solution (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/winforms/thread/95aefae4-45d8-4ac5-a8f2-6e2142dfb631).