



In my application i've a line for increasing the width of a widget(by dragging the line to right/left) and i've the scroll view enabled in the same activity. I need to disable the scroll view action when the user touches the line and when user releases, it should be enabled. The scroll view should be in visible state but the action of the scroll view should be disabled. Please help me in solving this problem. I've tried with these but none of them is working. scroll.setEnabled(false); scroll.setFocusable(false); scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(false); scroll.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false);

Thanks in advance.


Not sure that this is what you are asking for, but you might have to subclass ScollView and make you own implementation that can disable scrolling at certain times.

Here is someone who did something similar, but for touch events, to disable scrolling through those.

Mikael Ohlson