I have the following Leak situation in a VB.NET (.NET2) application: a form - DetailTache
(TaskDetails) - in my MDI application is not garbage collected is not collected ofter open/close.
I did the following profiling root:
any idea how this leak could be fixed? thanks.
Result search from projet of WinComboRowSelected Event. There are 3 usages of this word in application:
- Declaration in Class WinCombo:
Event WinComboRowSelected(ByVal sender...
(only one) - Raising:
RaiseEvent WinComboRowSelected(sender,
(3 raisings) - Usage:
...e As Keolis.ctlWinCombo.WinCombo.WinComboRowSelectedEventArgs) Handles cmbProduit1.WinComboRowSelected
(multiple handles).
there is No other usage of this event.
If need other code details, please ask and I will post it.