



I have a form field that includes a mixture of HTML and text. I want users to be able to use basic HTML and punctuation.

Currently I am using mysql_real_escape_string and preg_replace to sanitise the data and insert it into the database. My understanding is that preg_replace is the best way to strip any characters that are not in a white list of allowed characters and that mysql_real_escape_string protects from SQL injection.

//How I collect and sanitise the data...
 preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9-?!$#@()\"'.:;\\@,_ =\/<> ]/",'',$_POST['var'])

However, it keeps breaking when the hash character is used.

My questions are:

1) Is there a more efficient way to do this?

2) If this is the best way, what am I doing wrong?

The characters that I need to allow are: all alphanumeric characters and:

? ! @ # $ % & ( ) - . , : ; ' " < > / + =


+4  A: 

Why not just use strip_tags() and limit it to the tags you need?

strip_tags ($str,"<br>")

You could then do other "sanitation" that is not quite as invasive.

Mech Software
should be noted that strip_tags, while nice when it works, is not reliable.
+2  A: 

Since many non-alphanumeric characters have special meanings in a regex, you should escape all of them. So

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9-?!$#@()\"'.:;\\@,_ =\/<> ]/",'',$_POST['var']) 

becomes (there are a few that probably don't need escaping, but it doesn't hurt)

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9-\?\!\$\#\@\(\)\"\'\.\:\;\\@\,\_ \=\/\<\> ]/",'',$_POST['var']) 
Thanks! I'm hesitant to use strip_tags if it is not reliable.