Under one UnitOfWork (session) I may call CreateCriteria twice. My first call is to populate a grid for data editing. Let's say the data has been edited and flushed (saved) to the database and the grid is still open. After the data is edited, I may call CreateCriteria a second time to retrieve a list of objects that are validated and found in error.
Lets say ObjectA was retrieved by both calls to session.CreateCriteria. It was edited in the grid but found in error within the second list.
The first question would be: Considering first level cache, is ObjectA--that was retrieved from the second call to CreateCriteri--represent the one retrieved from the first call? or, better yet, did NHibernate "detect and reuse" ObjectA from the first call assuming the keys did not change?
To my final point in question: I want to edit ObjectA which was found in error, and let's say it was brought up in a ListBox. Therefore, I want to highlight that object, call session.Get()(key) in order to retrieve it from cache, then bring up a change form to change ObjectA's properties. Which object am I changing? The one from the first call to CreateCriteria or the second call? Are they the same?
Thank you in advance.