I finally have an answer for this that appears to work.
Compile both 32 & 64 bit versions - both managed & unmanaged - into separate folders. Then have the .NET app choose at run time which directory to load the assemblies from.
The problem with using the ResolveEvent is that it only gets called if assemblies aren't found, so it is all to easy to accidentally end up with 32 bit versions. Instead use a second AppDomain object where we can change the ApplicationBase property to point at the right folder. So you end up with code like:
static void Main(String[] argv)
// Create a new AppDomain, but with the base directory set to either the 32-bit or 64-bit
// sub-directories.
AppDomainSetup objADS = new AppDomainSetup();
System.String assemblyDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
switch (System.IntPtr.Size)
case (4): assemblyDir += "\\win32\\";
case (8): assemblyDir += "\\x64\\";
objADS.ApplicationBase = assemblyDir;
// We set the PrivateBinPath to the application directory, so that we can still
// load the platform neutral assemblies from the app directory.
objADS.PrivateBinPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
AppDomain objAD = AppDomain.CreateDomain("", null, objADS);
if (argv.Length > 0)
You end up with 2 exes - your normal app and a second switching app that chooses which bits to load.
Note - I can't take credit for the details of this myself. One of my colleagues sussed that out given my initial pointer. If and when he signs up to StackOverflow I'll assign the answer to him