My Sql Server logs are filling up at a rapid rate with error messages like the following:
The activated proc '[dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-b65a194e-e29f-4ba0-8f5a-79f0875bd609]' running on queue 'MyDatabase.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-b65a194e-e29f-4ba0-8f5a-79f0875bd609' output the following: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.'
None of the stored procedures referenced by these messages exist any more.
The problem is similar to that described here. The article mentions that the issue should have been fixed in 2008 SP1 but I am already running SP1.
If I run the following command...
select * from sys.service_queues
... I notice that there are a whole lot of queued items like SqlQueryNotificationService-f944d750-8530-4762-adcf-6948e8da991f.
But if I try and kill these with the following command...
drop queue [SqlQueryNotificationService-78f5b757-45f0-4a4d-83f5-91e1d7e46294]
...I receive an error message: The queue 'SqlQueryNotificationService-78f5b757-45f0-4a4d-83f5-91e1d7e46294' cannot be dropped because it is bound to one or more service.