I've an application written in C# which has no GUI or UI, but instead writes files that are parsed by another application (in XML and others).
I have a customer whose CultureInfo has the NumberDecimalSeparator set to a comma, which causes parsing errors with floating point numbers (PI would end up as 3,1415).
I'd like a way to set the CultureInfo globally within the application, for all threads. I've tried:
- The (apparently) customary approach of setting CurrentThread.CurrentCulture as the first line in Main() but it appears to get reset.
- A variation/expansion on http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/Change_App_Culture.aspx
- Do the same (#1) on the explicitly created threads in the application.
And changing to use explicit formatting is not an option (150K+ lines, most written by former employees).
[Edit] The application binds to a socket and handles requests from dedicated clients. Depending on the request type it spawns different handler classes.
Sorry, when I first posted I should have clarified in #1 that (I though) I had done this in all of the handlers that were explicitly spawned, too.
It turns out that I missed the thread/handler that was causing the problem. So the application is working properly now, but the question remains about if the culture can be set on all threads.
If it could iterate over all threads, it would solve the issue, too. So:
How can I get all Thread objects (not ProcessThread) in the current process?