



I'm using a C# project that is linked to the OracleDataAccess.dll - V9 or V10, but only one of them at a time. My development machine has both installations. On the deployment machines only one of them is available. For this reason, I have to switch the reference betwenn V9 and V10 in my project dependent on the deployment machine.

Is it possible to automate this switching process? (May be by using #defines, pre-build commands, or alternate configuration settings) The only alternative I know is to use two different project files.

+2  A: 

I didn't understand if you build your product on the deployment machine but if not my suggestion is to detect the version of the OracleDataAccess.dll at install time and create an appconfig that contains the appropriate version using the assemblyBinding element.

I will check this.
Hi alex, did you check my proposal? If it helped you please mark it as an answer. Thanks in advance.