For an even more robust implementation, you should calculate the DPI factors on your system and work with those factors. A normal DPI value is 96, but some monitors may have different values. Consider that your code may be running on a monitor that has a different DPI value than 96. Consider this code:
private static void CalculateDpiFactors()
Window MainWindow = Application.Current.MainWindow;
PresentationSource MainWindowPresentationSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(MainWindow);
Matrix m = MainWindowPresentationSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice;
thisDpiWidthFactor = m.M11;
thisDpiHeightFactor = m.M22;
You can then use those ratios to get the final values:
double ScreenHeight = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight * thisDpiHeightFactor;
double ScreenWidth = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth * thisDpiWidthFactor;
The values of ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth should then match what you see in your monitor's Properties window.