I'm sure this is simple but I have no idea how to do it. How do i count the amount of DOM elements in my HTML page? I wanted to do this in a userscript or bookmarklet but i have no idea how to start!
// You could use the same method to get the count of each tag, if it matters
function tagcensus(pa){
pa= pa || document;
var O= {},
A= [], tag, D= pa.getElementsByTagName('*');
D= A.slice.apply(D, [0, D.length]);
tag= D.shift().tagName.toLowerCase();
if(!O[tag]) O[tag]= 0;
O[tag]+= 1;
for(var p in O){
A[A.length]= p+': '+O[p];
A.sort(function(a, b){
a= a.split(':')[1]*1;
b= b.split(':')[1]*1;
return b-a;
return A.join(', ');
2010-02-10 16:24:39