This is my first my MFC application, and unfortunately i don't understand, how it works. I found a simple MFC application, which gets the file list of a given path. I modifyed this code for my needs, but now i have one problem. What my application should do is the following. It reads two drive letters from a file. Then gets the file list for both drives, and then compares them. If the primary drive has files which aren't on the secondary drive then it copies it automatically. I did all this, but now i want my application to run without user interacting.It should just show the data. Unfortunately, the original MFC application started when i pressed a button. I want to takes this out, that i shouldn't press any buttons, it just copies the new files automatically. So my problem is the following. Where should i call my function, so i don't need to press a button. I think i should call it in here:
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_GET_FILE_LIST, &CGetFileListDlg::OnBnClickedButtonGetFileList) //this is the original
//call my function here
But i don't know, which event i should use. I made all my changes what i needed in CGetFileListDlg::OnBnClickedButtonGetFileList() function, so this is why i want to call it. I don't know if this is important or not, but during the copying i want to show which file am i currently copying.
Please someone help me!
Thanks in advance!